CyberPanel is a cutting-edge hosting control panel, developed by OpenLiteSpeed. Built with a focus on speed, security and reliability, it automatically installs the main services such as DNS, FTP, database, e-mail, file manager, automatic SSL and many other resources, all of which are available free of charge to the community.

You are in control of your total hosting environment. It allows you to host your websites in an easier and faster way, but CyberPanel also presents a high performance with an event-oriented architecture that is super light and that uses the minimum of CPU and memory space.

In this tutorial, you will learn How To Install the Control Panel CyberPanel on your server at LetsCloud.


  • Commands and instructions may vary slightly in other versions of (CentOS) 7 and Linux distributions.
  • 2048 MB or more of Ram.
  • 10 GB of disk space.
  • 2 vCPU or higher CPU.
  • Root access

CyberPanel features

  • Different levels of users.
  • Automatic SSL.
  • FTP server.
  • DNS server.
  • PHPMyAdmin.
  • File manager.
  • PHP Management.
  • Firewall.
  • Automatic backup and restore.
  • Email limits.
  • SpamAssassin and more.

Let's start the test!

Step 1 - Downloading the CyberPanel installation script

Open your terminal and type:


wget -O



sh <(curl || wget -O -


Note. Always update the packages installed on your system before any installation.


yum update -y

Now let's make the cyberpanel script an executable, type the following in your terminal:


chmod +x

See how the file will look in our print:


Next, we will run the with the following command:



Step 2 - Configuring

After running the file, we will have the following screen:

Valid IP detected...
Checking server...
Checking OS...
Detecting CentOS 7 ...
Checking virtualization type...
Checking root privileges...
CyberPanel Installer v2.0

    1 Install CyberPanel.
    2 Install Addons.
    3 Exit.

Please enter the number[1-3]: 1

Select the option 1, it will perform the complete installation of CyberPanel.

Step 3 - CyberPanel with OpenLiteSpeed

Next is the installation step of OpenLiteSpeed or LiteSpeed Enterprise.

CyberPanel Installer v2.0
RAM check : 2048MB
Disk check : 20GB (Minimal 10GB free space)

1. Install CyberPanel with OpenLiteSpeed.
2. Install Cyberpanel with LiteSpeed Enterprise.
3. Exit.

Please enter the number[1-3]: 1

Select option 1 again to install CyberPanel with OpenLiteSpeed.

You should see the following output:


Please choose to use the default admin password letscloud, randomly generate one (recommended) or specify the admin password? Choose [d]fault, [r]andom or [s]et password: [d/r/s] d The admin password will be set as letscloud

Type d and press ENTER to use the default administrator password. You should see the following output:


This may improve panel loading speed in the Asia Pacific region... Please select [y/N]: y Install the Memcached extension for PHP? Please select [y/N]: y Install LiteSpeed Memcached? Please select [y/N]: y Install Redis extension for PHP? Please select [y/N]: y Install Redis? Please select [y/N]: y

Step 4 - Memcached, LiteSpeed and Redis

Type Y to start Memcached, LiteSpeed and Redis installation. Once the installation is completed successfully, you will see the following output on your terminal:


################################################### CyberPanel Successfully Installed

Current Disk usage : 20GB Current RAM usage : 2048MB Installation time : 0 hrs 5 min

Visit: Panel username: admin Panel password: letscloud

Please change your default admin password If you need to reset your panel password, please run: adminPass YOUR_NEW_PASSWORD

If you change the MySQL password, please modify the file in /etc/cyberpanel/mysqlPassword with the new password as well

Website : Forums : Wikipage:

Enjoy your accelerated Internet by CyberPanel & OpenLiteSpeed


If your provider has a network-level firewall Make sure you have opened the following entry/exit door: TCP: 8090 for CyberPanel TCP: 80, TCP: 443 and UDP: 443 for a webserver TCP: 21 and TCP: 40110-40210 for FTP TCP: 25, TCP: 587, TCP: 465, TCP: 110, TCP: 143 and TCP: 993 for mail service TCP: 53 and UDP: 53 for DNS service

Step 5 - Accessing the CyberPanel

  • Access your server's IP address, remember to use port 8090.
    • Here is an example: https://your_server_ip:8090.
    • You will see a screen to log into your newly installed system.
  • Enter admin for the username and letscloud for the password.
  • Click on the user menu arrow next to the name "Cyber Pan".
  • Choose Edit Profile.
  • Select the option admin from the drop-down menu on the page Modify user.
  • Now you can change the name, surname, email address and password as you prefer.
    • Use a strong password!

Congratulations, you have successfully installed CyberPanel! \o/

Now you can host an unlimited number of sites using CyberPanel and have your hosting reseller.

Quick Tip

Configure firewall rules in Letscloud

Firewall rules define what type of Internet traffic is allowed or blocked. For customers LetsCloud, you can do this right on our dashboard!


You must configure the firewall rules to allow traffic over the internet to the following ports:


20 – FTP 21 – FTP 22 – SSH 25 – SMTP/EMAIL 43 – WHOIS 53 – BIND/DNS 80 – HTTP / Apache Web server 110 – POP3/EMAIL 143 – IMAP 443 – HTTPS / Apache Web server SSL 465 – SMTP/EMAIL SSL/TLS 587 - SMTPS 873 – RSYNC 993 – IMAP/EMAIL SSL 995 – POP3/EMAIL SSL 8090 – CyberPanel Panel 7080 - WebAdmin 3306 – MYSQL


In this tutorial, you saw how to install CyberPanel completely, was it difficult? Now comes the fun part: exploring all the options that CyberPanel offers! Count on our technical team in this process if you need any guidance or help for your project, just use the comments!

Read more about: CentOSCyberPanel